Back pain can have different origins. However, in most cases, their cause is a disappointing diagnosis - osteochondrosis of the spine, chest or cervical spine. Should we rule out osteochondrosis? Is it possible to return your back to its previous lightness? Is surgery an important measure?

The answers to the above questions are known to osteopathic practitioners. But first everything.
Rapidly rejuvenating disease
Osteochondrosis is a type of spinal pathology, the essence of which is dystrophic-degenerative changes in the joint-cartilage tissue.
It causes pain by affecting the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions and limits the victim's dynamic activity.
Recently, the above disease was thought to be age-related inevitability. However, the available statistics show that among our contemporaries suffering from osteochondrosis, more and more young people have recently reached the age of thirty or are approaching it.
At the same time, medical research confirms that the disease can be prevented or slowed down if it does not heal without a trace.
Stages of development of lumbar osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis progresses gradually. In the early stages, the symptoms are mild. Therefore, the disease is rarely diagnosed during this period.
- The first stage is marked by the displacement of the nucleus of the intervertebral discs. In this case, compression of the neuronal ends in the ring fibrosis occurs. The pain may manifest itself as lumbago or it may be painful.
- In the second stage, the fibrous fibers of the disc begin to break down. As a result, the vertebrae lose stability, gain harmful mobility, and spinal function is impaired. There is a constant tension in the muscles close to it.
This causes a feeling of almost never-ending back fatigue.
- Sooner or later, the fibrous fibers break, freeing the nucleus - a hernia that compresses the nerves.
There are now complaints of severe back pain that limits motor function.
- There is a deceptive relief with the further development of the disease. The pain decreases, but the motor function of the vertebrae remains limited.
- The last, most severe degree of osteochondrosis is characterized by the proliferation of bone tissue.
Causes of lumbar osteochondrosis
There is no feature to determine the root causes of the disease. It is believed that osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is caused by a combination of a number of negative factors related to lifestyle and habits:
- physical inactivity - lack of physical activity, sedentary work, lack of walking and exercise lead to weakening of the lumbar muscles that support the spine;
- endocrinological and metabolic diseases cause impaired food saturation of the spinal cord;
- previously acquired problems with the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, flat feet, etc. );
- abuse of physical activity - professional athletes, weightlifters, etc. at risk. ;
- poor nutrition;
- overweight;
- lack of sleep;
- stress.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis
The first and main symptomatology that attracts the patient's attention is pain. The intensity of pain directly depends on the stage of osteochondrosis, the degree of destruction of cartilage and disc. In addition, the characteristics of the pain are determined by the presence and level of development of the hernia or bulge. The pain is usually excruciating, increasing sharply with rapid, careless movements, curves, and turns. It tends to intensify by staying in a sitting position for a long time.
The remaining symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis are listed below:
- feeling of weakness, fatigue in the lower extremities;
- absence of reflex manifestations in the tendon region;
- lumbar curvature in the lumbar region; Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is often the result of scoliosis (bending left or right), lordosis (bending forward) or kyphosis (pathological correction of flexion);
- numbness in the legs, lack of control over stool and urine (if the spinal cord neurons are compressed during the development of osteochondrosis);
- decrease in temperature in the lower body;
- dryness and pallor of the skin in the lumbar region;
- excessive sweating.
In addition to physiological, psychological symptoms of the disease are often seen. The patient feels "exhausted", nervousness and withdrawal appear. Sleep disorders manifest as insomnia and excessive drowsiness.
Possible complications
A careless approach to osteochondrosis will not lead to anything good. This insidious enemy of your health causes a number of complications that have a very negative impact on your quality of life, your ability to carry out your daily activities and fulfill your various needs.
The most common consequences of osteochondrosis are:
- sciatica - inflammation of the sciatic nerve caused by pinching in the sacro-lumbar region;
- hernia formations;
- osteophytosis - pathological growth of bone tissue;
- spondyloarthritis - destructive changes in the facet joints;
- stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal, leading to dysfunction of the spinal cord;
- lameness and gait discomfort as a result of thinning of the ilium;
- paresis of the legs, ie a decrease in muscle activity.
Which doctor treats osteochondrosis of the spine?
A person who begins to worry about obsessive-compulsive disorder in the lumbar region, asks which specialist to seek help. Which doctor diagnoses and treats lumbar, thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis? In terms of classical medicine, there are several answers to this situation.
An orthopedic doctor treats the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, the nervous system suffers from osteochondrosis, because most of its elements are located close to the spine. Therefore, it will be useful for the patient to be examined by a neurologist.
There is also a specialist who is little known as a vertebrologist. The doctor is less involved in the treatment of the spine, so he must master the skills of diagnosis and methods of combating osteochondrosis. Unfortunately, in every clinic, especially in the province, this specialist is not in its staff.
Since we are talking about doctors who do not meet at the clinic near the house, it is impossible to pay special attention to a doctor working in the field of osteopathy. This unique therapeutic field specializes in identifying latent causal relationships between organs and structures in the human body. Therefore, osteomyelitis can often cure diseases in which others are weak. Often, the doctor is consulted with problems with the musculoskeletal system.
Thus, after the medical advice provided, the subject is referred for diagnostic procedures using the following methods.
X-ray examination provides information on the condition of the bones, joints, intervertebral discs, as well as the ability to detect herniated discs and protrusions. Computed tomography, in addition to information about the condition of the disc, shows whether the spinal cord is damaged. Finally, magnetic resonance imaging as the most accurate research method provides an almost complete picture of the disease, suitable for use to clarify the diagnosis and details.
There are also a number of diagnostic tests that do not require the use of technically advanced equipment. It is often used in practice by osteotherapists.
Among them:
- various passive and active inspections;
- facial tension test (light tissue tension in different directions);
- extension of checks;
- axial load tests;
- analysis of craniosacral rhythm.
Second, according to the knowledge of osteology, it coincides with the pulsating rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid and indicates various malfunctions inside.
With the above diagnosis, the osteopathic therapist identifies the weakest points of the spine, determines changes in the position and size of the internal organs, determines the level of muscle tension and wear of the intervertebral discs.
Medicine tries to stop the development of lumbar osteochondrosis as much as possible, to relieve pain, to return to previous motor activity. At the same time, treatment should be simply comprehensive. The patient needs to establish a lifestyle, nutrition, physical fitness, monitor muscle tone, avoid stressful situations and lack of sleep.
A good sleeping place - enough rigidity plays an important role in the choice of orthopedic mattress.
Physicians should expect therapy to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on the affected area. If the disease results in partial or complete loss, it is necessary to stimulate blood flow and restore the sensitivity of the lower body.
If osteochondrosis does not currently have an exacerbation, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) and a course of massage.
In addition, bath procedures are highly recommended for victims of lumbar osteochondrosis. In the bath or sauna, stretched muscle fibers are warmed and relaxed, the movement through the blood vessels is stimulated, and metabolic and regenerative processes are activated.
As part of the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes various medications for the client.
Available as ointments, tablets and injections.
These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and corticosteroids, chondroprotectors (prevents cartilage destruction), muscle relaxants (eliminates muscle spasms), as well as vitamins, minerals and other biologically active additives.
Pharmacological treatments are designed to reduce pain and fight inflammation. Please note that most of the above medications have certain side effects and cannot be used without a doctor's prescription.
An alternative to these drugs is homeopathy.
Many believe that the products have only a placebo effect, but this is fundamentally wrong. Modern homeopathic remedies are an incomparable combination of successful work of talented scientists and the wisdom of nature.
Homeopathic recipes contain vitamins and trace elements necessary not only for the treatment of pathology, but also for the normal functioning of the body in the future. Stimulates internal structures and organs, which helps them to recover. Against the background of such treatment, the symptoms of other diseases also disappear.
What other doctor should you contact with osteochondrosis?
As part of a comprehensive treatment, the patient is referred to a physiotherapist's office. Physiotherapy is designed to stop or at least slow down the destructive processes in the region of the intervertebral discs.
The following procedures are carried out under it:
- phonophoresis;
- laserophoresis;
- darsonvalization;
- amplitude-pulse therapy;
- diadynamic current therapy;
- exposure to magnetic resonance.
No matter how complicated the principle of getting rid of this pathology, the result is not always successful. Surgery is the main solution. In the simplest case, its essence is to remove the part of the cartilage that goes beyond the normal range. However, in some cases, treatment requires replacement of the intervertebral disc with an artificial vaccine.
One of the indicators of the operation is the lack of positive dynamics for several months. Of course, the results of diagnostic tests that determine the cause of the disease in the form of locating degenerated discs should be added to such an indicator.
During a discectomy - the name of the operation to remove the causes of osteochondrosis of the spine - degenerated structures are removed. In the case of large-scale excision, a spinal graft should be given to the bones attached to their bones by means of metal plates. When it is tuned and the bones grow together, this part of the lumbosacral region of the operated patient will remain motionless for the rest of his life.
According to a different technique, a modern elastic disc prosthesis is implanted in the spine, which is almost identical in terms of biological mechanics to the real cartilage and provides mobility in the lumbar region.
However, the prosthesis described above is very expensive. The possibility of a foreign body inside, no one will like until the end of their days. Many delay the operation for fear of such prospects and increase their well-being. However, there is an excellent way for many people suffering from low back osteochondrosis to avoid surgery.
When neither medication nor exercise therapy helps, and a neurologist and orthopedist throwing their hands in weakness and pointing to the operating table, even the most ardent supporters of classical medicine begin to think that they need to seek help from another doctor. And already at the first signs of the disease, someone drew all the pros and cons, analyzed the positive feedback from friends and the Internet, and went to see an osteopractor.
The main tasks of an osteopath treating lumbar osteochondrosis are to normalize the spine, reduce pain and stop destructive processes.
Significant success can be expected in the shortest possible time using osteopathic techniques - an osteopath can reduce the pain of an osteochondrosis patient during the first session.
However, a full course of treatment must be completed for the waist to fully heal. The duration is determined individually and depends on the characteristics of the patient and the severity of the lesion.
Before starting treatment, the specialist should determine the characteristics of the condition, the accompanying symptoms and complications, age, etc. Evaluates.
The peculiarity of osteomyelitis as a way to get rid of osteochondrotic injuries of the spine, neck and chest is that such treatment can be given with expensive drugs that are difficult for the client to understand. Although their use is not strictly ruled out.
This aspect is primarily related to allergies, liver diseases and so on.
Osteotherapy heals all internal parts of the human body, replaces joints, bones and organs. Metabolic processes, the work of all parts of the body are normalized. The overall well-being of the osteomyelitis department is improving rapidly. An osteopathic specialist can also help with a muscle spasm, compression, or overexertion. It is often a companion to the pain in question and can aggravate it. An osteotherapist can treat not only pain that affects the lower back, but also other localizations and etiologies.
The doctor uses a variety of methods to relieve the pain of the ward. These include structural, craniosacral, hand, and reflexology. Excellent results are shown by the method of kinesio tape - the application of special elastic adhesive tapes on the damaged areas. Using kinesio tapes, the doctor not only relieves the pain, but also helps to improve it.
Although osteopathy treats many diseases, it has a list of contraindications (very small):
- heating conditions, high temperature;
- Blood clots;
- benign and malignant neoplasms;
- severe infections;
- epileptic seizures.
Osteopractic is also an excellent preventive measure. The overall healing and restorative effect on the body is simply irreplaceable. In addition, preventive sessions allow you to cope with many problems in the shoot. The disease tends not to manifest itself and does not cause discomfort for a long time without accepting the diagnosis. By monitoring your health thoroughly and visiting the Osteopathy Center regularly, you will save yourself from a number of difficulties in life.